After a homeless guy retrieves her grandmother’s lost wallet, a 12-year-old is paying it forward.

Twelve-year-old Mikayla Gounard is returning a favor extended to her grandma, Evelyn Topper, who is 80 years old. After picking up an order from Kamson Coffee for herself and her granddaughter, Evelyn realized she had misplaced her wallet.

When the misplaced wallet was discovered, Sean Currey just so happened to be looking through the garbage can behind the coffee shop for food. Although friends advised him to use the credit cards, he ultimately decided to track down the owner and return it in person.

Sean, who is now living out of his car, and Evelyn met in a parking lot close to a mall. Evelyn gave him some money as a token of her gratitude and informed her granddaughter of the “Mitzvah” she had just performed.

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